Rats & Rodents Control Services
Rodents (from Latin rodere, “to gnaw”) are mammals, which are characterized by a single pair of continuously growing incisors in each of the upper and lower jaws. They are found in all continents except Antarctica. There are brown rats, black rats, house mouse which is so famously found in and around us eating and spoiling food stored by us humans. Most commonly known and seen rodents are mice and rats. Rodents generally have well-developed senses of smell, hearing, and vision and some of them also move out in the night and see with the help of enlarged eyes.
Sanitization is the process by which most microorganisms (whether or not pathogenic) on wounds, clothing, or hard surfaces, are destroyed through the use of chemicals or heat.
Habitat / Nests
The teeth of rats grow 12.5cm per year. Water and food is an essential requirement for all living beings. Rats can survive without food for a week and without water, they can survive only for 3 days. Their feeding times are normally from dusk to dawn. They can gnaw through a wide variety of materials including lead sheets, aluminum cinder, and even bricks to make an entry into a building.
Rat Life Cycle

Rodents are prolific breeders, highly adaptable, and versatile feeders. They breed 4 to 6 times a year. A pair of the rat can make 800 rats in a year and the population of rats is 6 times more than the population of human beings.
Rat and Rodent Control
Rats and Rodents can be controlled using any one of the techniques:
- 1. Traps
- 2. Gassing
- 3. Proofing
- 4. Contact Dust and Gels
- 5. Prevention
Indicators for the Presence of Rodents
If you notice the following, it is time to call the team from RPA Pest Control Services for treatment and control of Rats and Rodents.
- 1. Rat holes
- 2. Scraps
- 3. Rat droppings
- 4. Foot or tail marks
- 5. Pet excitement
- 6. Rat urine or marks
- 7. Disappearance of bait
- 8. Scratching noises in walls or under the floor
Call us for Rats & Rodents control services on 7827144714 / 8318145337 if you see the above indications.
Rats transmit at least 35 types of communicable diseases to human beings. Some of them are as given below:
- 1. Rats bite infants who are in their cribs as the smell of milk and other baby food on the infant attracts the rats who are looking for food.
- 2. Plague: Domestic rats or the rats found in the houses are the most common reservoir of plague. This disease is carried by rats and transmitted by fleas in the process of sucking blood.
- 3. Hantavirus – a potentially deadly virus that is transmitted via the rat urine. It has a wide variety of symptoms, but those infected get very ill very quickly.
- 4. Bubonic plague – transmitted via the fleas that find their homes on rats and is the disease that nearly wiped out most of humanity during the dark ages. Even though there are treatments, it is still a very serious disease.
- 5. Rat-bite fever – a disease in the saliva of a rat that is transmitted via the bite. It can cause symptoms such as fever and vomiting and progress to severe inflammation of the skin.
- 6. Rickettsial disease – there are a few diseases that fall into this category and also come from the fleas and parasites found on rats. They include two different types of typhus and spotted fever.
- 7. Leptospirosis – a bacterial disease and symptoms can range from aches and pains to fevers to more severe symptoms such as bleeding in the lungs, kidney failure. It can even lead to meningitis.
Rats not only cause the above diseases but also introduce other pests such as fleas, mites, and ticks into the premise causing more damage to health and property. To prevent and protect our precious life and property it is highly important to call for a licensed and trained rats control service provider who can not only treat the present situation of rats in your residential and commercial places but also control the rats menace around you. A rat pest control service provider is a MUST.
Damage to Property
- 1. Rats not only feed on grains but also contaminate more than 20 times that what they consume with their feces, urine, hair, and sometimes with their dead bodies. On a daily basis, a rat sheds 5 lakh hairs,15-25 ml urine, and 25 -150 pellets of feces.
- 2. As rats gnaw into anything tons of food grain gets spoiled.
- 3. Rats damage the foundation of the buildings thus weakening the buildings and causing a threat to the life of human beings.
- 4. Rats can chew the plastic insulation around the wires, thus exposing the wires which can lead to, short- circuit, malfunction or lead to the risk of fire in the premises or building.
- 5. Rats can also dig into your gardens and feed on the newly planted crops in your garden of fields. They can cause massive damage to your plants before they flower or crops before the harvest. They can dig deep into the ground anywhere in your property to make their nests.
Some Interesting Fact
- 1. In 1985, there were at least 42 different societies in which people eat rats.
- 2. A rat can fall 20 meters with no injury, tread water for 3 days, and survive an atomic bomb test.
- 3. Rats not only feed on grains but also contaminate more than 20 times that what they consume with their feces, urine, hair, and sometimes with their dead bodies.
- 4. On a daily basis, a rat sheds 5 lakh hairs,15-25 ml urine, and 25 -150 pellets of feces.